Lego Modular State Capital

I was about to call it a day when I came across this on Flickr. So of course I had to share it here. It’s by lgorlando, it’s great, and I’m too sleepy to be descriptive. So in the man’s own words:

A third rendition of my Park Avenue and Palace Grand with tan as the primary color. Someone told me the Palace Grand looked like a “government building” and I wondered what that would look like.”

Yeah, still no pics of his fabled city layout. I’m waiting too.

At Brick World, Lego-loving grown-ups reignite a passion that never really died

This is an article about AFOLs, for AFOLs.Ā  Found it off google and thought you may enjoy reading. šŸ˜‰

Link to original article from The Washington Post here.


At Brick World, Lego-loving grown-ups reignite a passion that never really died

At the LEGO convention in Chantilly, Va., the nation’s largest, devotees from around the country come together to share their colorful constructions.

Ā First they came out in the hundreds, then by the thousands.

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 9, 2010; 11:19 AM

‘It’s not coming out of the closet, it’s more like coming out of the basement,” Arthur Gugick, 50, confessed to me this weekend in Chantilly, as he stood before the elaborate, plastic manifestation of a lifelong obsession he hid for many years — his Legos.

Gugick is a rock star in this world of middle-aged man-children who are embracing and celebrating their boyhood love of the iconic little brick.

Before him was a display of some of the world’s most amazing landmarks, from Cambodia’s Angkor Wat to England’s Big Ben, recreated by Gugick in painstaking detail with Lego bricks. The math teacher from Cleveland has custom-built platforms to transport the structures in a van bought specifically for his Lego expeditions. (He and his wife have agreements hammered out — he gets a $50 a week allowance and Lego conventions, she gets a two-week ski trip in the winter.)

He told me about the calculus used to create the Roman Coliseum and the algebra that went into the leaning tower of Pisa.

On the other side of the display, a guy from North Carolina interrupted us. “Did you see my clown?” he called over to me, and I decided to run away from the looming, leering crank he created from thousands of Lego pieces.

It was cool, but eww, clowns.

These are men, I learned, who have emerged from an allegedly larval state they call “The Dark Ages,” the years between childhood and adulthood when they didn’t Lego.

“Well, I guess mine were really the dim ages, because I never really stopped playing. I just did it in secret,” Gugick said. I watched as he answered questions from the 19,000 people who descended on the Dulles Expo Center last weekend to admire works such as his at Brick Fair , the largest Lego fan convention in the country. And it was madness.

There were 20-foot-tall cranes, spinning Ferris wheels, moving robots, the Stay Puft marshmallow man, cathedrals, space stations, train yards and mosaic murals of photographic quality.

Little boys (yes, of course there were girls, but they were vastly outnumbered) walked around the convention center in a daze, mouths opened in silent, reverent awe.

Caldwell Butler, 13, of Cumberland, wore a shirt depicting a long-haired, robed man building a Lego structure and the words: “What Would Jesus Build?”

There was a shopping section, where LegosĀ could be laser-printed with photos, tiny circuits were soldĀ that can light up teeny bricks, Lego jewelry was madeĀ (I got a cool pair of dangly earrings made of lime green brick) and books of patterns like Forbidden Lego (“Is it okay to bring this?” a seller asked before the gathering, worried about breaking some of the unspoken rules of this society.)

They call themselves AFOLs, Adult Fans of Lego, and encourage you to go ahead, pronounce it like the bad word.

The first two days of the convention were all business for the AFOLs. This wasn’t about kids plopping down and clicking bricks. The adults held serious seminars on architecture, technique and brick innovations.

These were for registered guests only. And it used to beĀ that kids could attend if they registered with an adult. But starting next year, new participants must be 18 and older.

Then on Saturday and Sunday, they opened the doors to the public to show off their MOCs, Lego-speak for My Own Creation.

This was when it got wild. There were signs and reminders everywhere not to touch the elaborate MOCs. There was even a curtained, cordoned-off quiet space, the AFOL chill-out room, for adults who need a break from the sticky, squealing, chatterbox kids who swarmed around their toys.

In a line that snaked two spirals deep around a 90-degree suburban parking lot, there were an awful lot of father-son pairs. Moms were in short supply.

There are some girl geeks who Lego. Don’t forget the woman with a car emblazoned with Lego images, the Brick Chick. But for the most part, LegosĀ make moms shudder, because we see them and conjure instantly the rattling sound they make in the vacuum, or that spike of pain as Lego meets bare foot in a dark room.

Stupidly, I and about seven other moms didn’t realize that Lego Day was also apparently the nation’s official “Smart mom gets a mani-pedi day.” So we looked at each other, shrugged, and soldiered on, waiting with thousands of others to see the Lego creations.

When GugickĀ did his first convention in 2005, there were about 125 AFOLS. This year, they capped registration at 745.

So it’s grown a little. Why?

Partly, I believe, because the first wave of Lego builders are old enough to have kids. So naturally, they are rediscovering their love of the Danish wonder with their offspring.

“Oh, it’s a cardinal rule. You never, ever sell or give away your Legos. No yard sale. I handed them down to my kids,” said Jeff Head, 41, of Burke, who prowled the convention floor wearing a Lego shirt and a giant camera around his neck to document really cool things that he would build later with his kids.

It’s not just his old bricks from the 1970s that fill the house. Lego has gone out of control these past few years in the marketing department, releasing hundreds of new kits tied to movies, television shows and children’s books.

So buying some of these jazzy new Legos for his 12-year-old son, Joshua, is sort of like buying them for his own, 12-year-old self, Head said.

And of course, there’s the Internet. In the past few years, Lego fan sites have also grown, and builders share their creations, techniques and ideas. On his Web page, Gugick shows off the software program he created to make a dome out of bricks.

Adult fans also believe that being able to buy individual bricksĀ online has radically changed the way AFOLs build. Suddenly, the future of a leaning tower of Pisa that requires thousands of one, specific, white brick, isn’t hinging on that builder’s ability, determination and wallet to keep buying hundreds of kits that happen to contain a few of those pieces.

Perhaps the best example of the Lego renaissance is Washington’s smash exhibit of the summer at the National Building Museum, an architect’s towering re-creationĀ of 15 of the world’s famous buildings in concrete and putty-colored Legos.

For me, the most profound moment of the LegofestĀ came not at the elaborate, mechanized creations or the delicate beauty of a Lego Arc de Triomphe. It was at the stay-and-play, an empty room filled with nothing but piles of bricks. I counted 72 kids in one room, on the floor, their brains hopped up on the remarkable, whimsical things they’d seen, feverishly working out the creative explosions popping in their heads.

Anywhere else, 72 kids in one room would generate an unholy cacophony. Here, the room was almost completely silent, filled with the quiet spectacle of imaginations ablaze.

Have you come out of the basement recently? E-mail me at

Lego themed birthday party?

I was curious when this set popped up on Brickset (link):

And found on EBĀ thatĀ AlywinĀ has very kindly shared the info and review posted by a HK AFOL:Ā 

The set contains:

  • 10 invitation cards
  • 10 thank-you cards
  • 1 pop-up card platform
  • 10 gift packs, each with 1 special minifig unseen before, 1 piece of “building tips & tricks” and 1 piece of “official LEGO builder licence card”…
  • 1 birthday magnetic tile brick
  • 10 name stickers

Probably of most interest is the minifig and printed tile:

So, will I buy this set if it ever comes to SG? I might, just for the minifigĀ n magnet… gosh, TLG is really evil…

2011 set news & rumours on EB

Update on 6 Jan: You can see the 2011 set adverts/videos here or theĀ fullĀ list/pics of 2011 sets from Brickset.


Now that the line-up for 2010 releases are probably mostly announced (or leaked), it’s time to speculate about the 2011 releases. Klaus-Dieter from EurobricksĀ has shared his peek at the 2011 catalog. Interested? Then head on over to EB:

Of most interest is to me is the City sets. Sounds good to me that the line-up includes police and space cos that gives me a breather for my wallet to recuperate from a very ‘fierce’ 2011.Ā  Space is definitely a no-no for me… as for police, how many police sets does a town need? Unless the police HQ is exceptionally gorgeous… wish list is still for more civilian sets. A bank would be great. Perhaps asĀ the next modular?

What happened to POTC and the Kingdom sets? Hmm…

My modular corner cinema

Update again: See my modularĀ town hall (also from 10184)Ā picsĀ here.

Update again: See my modular white building picsĀ here. šŸ™‚


Update: My cinema has been bloggedĀ in Classic-Town! Yippee! Click here to see the post. šŸ˜€

I’d also posted in EB about my cinema and after reading all the kind comments, feel so inspired to build some more. šŸ™‚


Readers would have seen from earlier posts (here for my modular street and here for research)Ā that I’d been fiddling around with a modular corner cinema modified with parts from the Town Plan.Ā 

Well, I finally put in the last 4 pieces (the technic blocks with hole that came with my S@H PAB selection) today and since I’m kinda sick of playing around with the cinema, I thought to take some pics over the long weekend and share here – sorta an official closure. šŸ˜›

Front and side views:

First floor interior, front door,Ā ticket booth and popcorn corner:

2nd floor interior, entranceĀ and cinema room:

Back view (really ugly!):

Ok, not perfect… but I’m lazy to fix the flaws. Stuff I’m pleased with are the popcorn corner, ticket counters (I like the TV screens šŸ™‚ ) and Yeti display (like those movie displays at cinemas).Ā 

Stuff I don’t like so much… (wow, such a long list!) Stairs ain’t so great, the screen and chairs lookĀ kinda sad and the back is really ugly (luckily not visible in my usual display!).Ā Ā Plus I don’t have enough white plates for the flooring and roof so it’s really patch-worky looking – the red plates are totally based on whatever plates I have on hand) and the white tiles are leftovers from the winter scene I did last DecemberĀ (I think either blue or red tiles would look more authentic for carpeting).

As a last view, my current modular street:


Update: Got the cinema from Town Plan to do a side-by-side comparison with my modular:


So what’s next? I’m thinking to modularise either the Pizza store from CityĀ Corner (7641), or the Police Headquarters (7744) or the Hospital (7892).Ā  What do you think?

Am leaning towards Pizza store, mainly cos I have lots of red bricks on hand from all the basic brick sets I’ve been swiping.Ā  Plus it’s an easy one.Ā  The Police HQ and Hospital will probably have to beĀ a full plate thing rather than the half plate for Pizza store, so those areĀ also gonna take a while to build up.

Decisions, decisions…

My S@H PABĀ buys

Took advantage of the long weekend to sort my S@HĀ PAB buys (and check that I got everything I ordered – I did).Ā  Some pics to share:



Bagged and ready for storage:

As you can see, mainly supplies for future MOCs like the fabuland lamps,Ā clear panels and lion head. More kids for my lego town, as well as females (head and hair).

Some MOCs that caught my eye…

Just one quick pic of each creation. Do go to the Flickr pages to see more and leave comments/compliments for the creators. šŸ™‚

First a subversive trailer park creation.Ā  Lego town/city creations are usually fairly happy suburban scenes, so it’s quite refreshing to see a trailer house by by Doctor Mobius.Ā  My fav bit is the car on blocks.

Next, a San Francisco cable car by Tom Bricks.Ā  I haven’t been to SF so no idea if it looks authentic but it sure will look good in any table town creation.

Last, we have Dawn Feather Keep by LegoLord.Ā  The lovely lush greenery and a meandering stream caught my eye.