More LEGO Friends videos

A few Friends videos. Pity about the Friends Advent calendar if it’s really been cancelled.

3185 Summer Riding Camp 


3184 Adventure Camper


“Andrea We can do it” music video


And the designer is kinda cute too…

LEGO Friends 2012 video for 3189 Heartlake Stables

Nice to get a closer look at one of the bigger Friends sets coming out soon:

Hi-res pics of 2012 sets

Ok, admittedly I’ve been lazy. I actually saw them yesterday.  But since they are all over the web by now I’ve a feeling most people have seen them?  Some thoughts on the sets (and links to sources):

  • Collectible Minifig series 7 looks good! Even tho I’m kinda over the novelty, I’ll still get at least a set for collection.
  • Batcave looks… colourful. I prefer the darker looking 1st batcave. Plus I hate stickers.
  • Ninjago sets are still too targetted to boys for me. I may get a few sets selectively, but no more than that.
  • Star Wars is a mixed bag.  Looking forward to getting a Jabba for sure.
  • Dino I will skip. Not sure how dinos will fit with my generally city themed sets and I didn’t miss the 1st incarnation anyway.
  • City sets are kinda bleh. Great for saving some $ in 2012 unless H2 gives us some new themes (hospital?). If not I’ll skip the City sets and save my money for…
  • Spongebob. I know… but the sets look good. Such a cute little pirate ship.
  • And Friends! I know… I’m wimpy and a sucker for the accessories.
  • I might skip Cars… tho they continue to look enticingly cute.  There are just too many sets and I’m not sure if I wanna start another series.
  • Am not a Technic person but the 2012 sets seem to be getting some good vibes.

Do click on the links above for the pics. I’ll just share the MF7 cos that thrilled me the most from all the pics I saw. Think cos I saw the earlier leaked catalogue so most of the other hi-res pics were not a surprise. 😛

Pics of 2012 Girls Theme

Update: To look on the bright side, this has gotta be true if TLG is policing all the sites and asking us (fairly nicely, altho via a lawyer) to remove the pics. 


Or rumoured to be called “Friends” which is a totally lame name IMO.

As expected, round about Aug the 2012 new set news are slowly filtering out. Some info on a new police station (with a bear?) and a whole series of vehicles that I’m not that interested enough to blog about in my semi-dark ages/reno madness stage, but you can read about them HERE.

But back to the Girls theme.  I think the figs actually don’t look too bad, compared to the creepy Belville ones.  I mean, most AFOLs would hate the incompatibility, etc (they are bigger than the standard minifigs) but I can see little girls liking these figs.  Plus I see a tonne of cute accessories and new colurs coming onto the market with these sets that can hopefully be adapted to minifigs (fingers crossed).  I’ll save you the trouble of plowing thru 15 pages of discussion with a summary here of what Mirandir has shared:

  • The theme seems to be kind of storydriven and revolves around 5 stereotypical girl characters, there’s the beutician, the animal lover, the singer/artist, the social one and the intelligent girl(Yep, she comes with a turquoise science workshop).
  • There are some 23 sets, spanning over the whole price range, coming. Sets include everything from houses to a cafe, vet clinic, beautyshop, stables etc etc. Main colors seem to be different shades of pink, purple, turquoise and tan. The “minidolls” are assembled by legs, torso, head and hair just like a minifig.
  • The big house for example has three walls and a roof, it’s also modular so the rooms can be rearranged for an up to 4 floors + roof tall house. The cafe has two and a half wall with a kind of “simulated” roof. The Beauty shop only has one full wall and two half walls
  • In the pictures I’ve seen the figs aren’t really close to any structure and my “eyemeasurement” sucks so it’s kind of hard to get an accurate estimate. But tables and desks are around 6-8 plates (2-3 bricks) high if thats anything to go by.
  • The theme seems to rely heavily on regular bricks just like normal city does. Spotted new molds are a new horse, a porcupine and a new cupcake bottom-ish brick.

Thanks to (I presume) a Chinese employee since these pics came from Taobao (the China equivalent of eBay), we have our 1st preview of this set:


Oh, and amidst all the discussion there was a one-liner rumour about a Disney Princess theme… that was all, but then given the recent rush of licensed themes and the fact that girls love princess theme stuff, I wouldn’t totally discount that one line rumour.

So mums, dads and girlfriends… would you buy the new Girls theme for your daughter/yourself?