Pics of 4429 Hospital & 4207 ‘Car Park/Garage’?

Read about a possible new set from Brickset, and went about looking for more pics from LEGO World 2012.  So apart from the 4207 ‘Car Park/Garage’, I think this might be the 4429 Hospital.  Unfortunately I absolutely can’t recall if I saw the new hospital set picture in the catalogue, but it does fit the description in Brickepedia.

There is also a cute little newspaper stand that I wish would be an impulse set… don’t you just love the printed tiles?

What do you think?

Pics are from Eiker86’s Flickr album for LEGO World 2012Do pop by and browse if you wanna see more pics of these and other nice creations.

14 Responses to Pics of 4429 Hospital & 4207 ‘Car Park/Garage’?

  1. ultraman_bc says:

    Well, the hospital definitely look like the set that is slated for release, so the City Garage may be the one in the pic. Anyway, City Garage will be available in June right here in Singapore. Be prepared to pay ~S$140 (SRP, the usual discounts apply)….

    • amodularlife says:

      @ultraman bc: Thanks for the heads up and confirmation! Is ok, not too many City sets I wanna buy this year, so will prob cough up for the garage. I guess you will be getting too? Any particular series that you don’t collect? =P

      • ultraman_bc says:

        I don’t collect Technics, Mindstorm, Racers and Duplo. So, you see, I not so crazy! =P And yes, I will be getting this. This year, we are going to have a huge list of expensive sets…. including the Town Hall, R2D2, Kingdoms Joust, just some examples which will be released locally.

      • amodularlife says:

        @Ultraman bc: Ya… dunno how to pack more new sets into my room. Headache. I happen to like all the expensive sets you listed. Some more need 2 Kingdom Joust. =P

  2. walshklien says:

    I see some greyish building behind, next to the train track, wonder what that is…

    • amodularlife says:

      @walshklien: Think not a special building? Some of the buildings are just ‘dummy’ ones… or you mean the recycling centre?

      • Modok says:

        It’s the one behind the helicopter in the first photo. I noticed it too and thought it looked really nice. Seeing as how it’s not the Town Hall and that’s the only new building of that size, I’m assuming it’s just a dummy.

        I also agree with you 100% on that newsstand. I wish Lego would pay a bit more attention to things like that, which would really help flesh out our cityscapes. I thought last year’s 8401 Public Transport Station was a good step in that direction. A city can only have so many hospitals, police stations, construction vehicles and semi trucks.

        (By the way, great to see the flurry of activity here the last week or two. I really enjoy your blog.)

      • amodularlife says:

        @Modok: Yeah… nicer impulse sets would be welcome… or a new playground, or a classroom, or a supermarket… things a proper town needs more than yet another police, fire or mining set. Think I may skip the hospital too (looks like the helicopter is more detailed than the hospital building!). Weirdness.

        Thanks for liking my blog!

  3. Mario says:

    Can you get a close up picture of the ambulance?

  4. Mario says:

    Very nice! I tried to build a ambulance (the small one)like the one in the future Hospital set but mine has a gap. can someone tell me how to make it look exactly like the one in the photos please?

  5. 98clkc322 says:

    is that car park sell now?

  6. Pingback: Brave New Lego World: day LXX: Lego City Footpath DESIGN! | Shodan's Blog

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