Kinky LEGO Minifigs

Remember those great tattooed LEGO minifigs used to advertised some fine-nibbed pens I blogged about a few months back? 

Wanted your own tattooed minifig but not sure you can draw like that?  Well, you can now order them from Citizen Brick.  Or how about the autopsy one for your CSI set-up?  Or the zippered leather mask, studded thong ‘shame’ one for… erm… hmm… 

Yeah, for the alternative life-stylers out there.  😛

Here are some that caught my attention:

Found out via Ugly Duckling, who had also shared that new customers can save 20% with the promo code ‘Citizen20’. Great huh? 🙂

3 Responses to Kinky LEGO Minifigs

  1. yoda1942 says:

    I like the tattoo mini fig really nice art there

  2. rekseah says:

    Hard Gay~! WOOOO~!

  3. rebelyoda says:

    think this was blogged on first?

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