Addition to my modular street

I haven’t disappeared, just a combination of:

1. Really busy at work, &

2. Weekend spent building the Grand Emporium.

So a quick snap to show my little street: 😀

Japanese Red Idea Book

I brought the Japanese Red Idea book to a local Lego club meet-up and quite a few members were thrilled with the pictures/MOCs in the book. 

As promised, here are some of the favourite pages from the book.  Enjoy! 🙂 (apologies for the lousy photo taking tho!)

Details of the book and link to Amazon Japan can be found here: List of Lego books I like

Where minifigs spend their money…

Mystery solved of where rich minifigs spend their cash… they all end up here in the luxury goods shopping district created by Jared Chan.  Hermes, Burberry, Gucci… luckily no shop of a brand of bags I’ve been eyeing lately, else it’s really a sign that I gotta get that bag…

I especially like the Burberry carpet inside.  Check out Jared Chan‘s photostream for more interior & exterior shots of all his shops.  I really like his range of designer furniture too.

Anyway, I think what is missing is a cafe for tired shoppers to re-charge and where taitais can hang out and gossip.  😀

SN204070 by Jared Chan.

SN204063 by Jared Chan.

SN204053 by Jared Chan.

SN202435 by Jared Chan.

Ikea catalog for minifigs

I thought this was a really clever and cute way of presenting furniture MOCs.  If you enjoyed the catalog by Jalkow, do pop by and leave some encouragement for his work. 😉

The JALKOW Collection by Jalkow.

Page 2 by Jalkow.

Page 3 by Jalkow.

Page 4 by Jalkow.

Pagina 5 by Jalkow.

Pagina 6 by Jalkow.

Alien diner whets my appetite

Titolian continues his “Ganymede Street” space city vignettes. This time a Diner in one of the dangerous sectors of planet Z1-7.  It reminded me of a scene in SW as well, tho I can’t rem which episode that was.

7848 TRU Exclusive

Xwingyoda did a review of the 7848 TRU exclusive and I must admit the set looks good. Not that I really need yet another truck (is this some evil TLG plot to sell roadplates??), but the shop is cute.

You can read the full review over at BrickHorizon: 

I’ve copied some pics from Xwingyoda‘s review, do pop by his review for full descriptions. 

Can’t wait till the TRU arrives in Singapore.  Am saving my TRU coupon for it! 





TRU shop with weapons and Lego corner.  So cute!!!



Truck interior with bed and TV.


Bricksworld Toy Story Promo: 30070

I just got my 30070 Alien Space Ship from Bricksworld.  Get one with $30 spent on Toy Story.  Promo till 30 June.